Is Bitcoin safer than a bank?

Bitcoin , is a virtual currency and payment system that is decentralized. Transactions are verified and recorded electronically. It doesn't have a central bank and can be used to trade goods and services or even be transferred from person to person without the need for an intermediary institution like a bank. A few years ago, a 1 BTC (BitCoin) was worth less than USD 3. Today, that same 1 BTC is worth more than USD 25K; and when the value increases as much as it did in the last couple of months, it might even reach thousands of dollars. Why do I say that Bitcoin is safer than a bank? Let me ask you this; if one day you want to exchange goods or services with someone, you don't need the approval of the banks. If you are the one who wants to trade goods and services, you can just say to your buyer "I will give you X bitcoin for Y dollar" without worrying about whether your payment process has been verified and/or it has been credited to your account. Now let's assu...